

The past is beautiful, but it is also accompanied by confusion and pain.

2023.04 ~ My Death | Freeman

I am walking on the road to freedom and never turning back.

2021.06 ~ 2023.04 | Backend Developer

Maintained backend services at 有知有行.

2017.09 ~ 2021.05 | Frontend Developer

Wrote marketing web pages with vanilla JavaScript, React, BLACKSMITH 2D, PixiJS at YIZ.

Projects created with my own framework - [archived] ft:

Archived addresses may be blocked in Mainland China.

2017.03 ~ 2017.09 | Backend Developer

Learned to be a backend developer writing Node.js in a startup.

2016.04 ~ 2017.02 | Traveler

Traveled around China. Learned Node.js and Web Technologies, and tried to be an indie hacker.

2014.08 ~ 2016.03 | DevOps

Most of the time, I played with Docker, wrote automation tools with Python.